Thursday, April 9, 2009


More than 200 alkoloids are known. They are present in only about 10 to 15 % of all vascular plants. Often found in the dicotyledone group of the angiosperm, or flowering plants, they seldom occur in monocotyledone or in other plant groups, such as gymnosperms. The most actively growing parts of such plants usually contain the highest percentage of the compounds. Among the more familiar alkaloid are aconitine (From monkshood), atropine (from belladonna), codeine, morphine, and papaverine (from opium poppy), nicotine (From tobacco) quinidine and quinine (from cinchona bark), solanine (from potate and tomato), ricinine (from castor bean) and strychnine and brucine (from Nux fomica).

More about Alkaloid

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